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Polecenia Klienta

Niektóre z komend dostępnych po stronie klienta

syntax "^2cg_shellEjection <0/1>"
desc "Sets whether or not bullet shells will eject from guns when firing. When"
desc "set to 1 bullets will eject from guns and dissapear over time."

syntax "^2cg_autoswitch <0/1/2>"
desc "Sets how weapons will automatically switch when you pick them up. When"
desc "set to 0 it will never switch to a newly acquired weapon. When set"
desc "to 1 it will always switch, and when set to 2 it will switch to anything"
desc "besides grenades."

syntax "^2cg_drawGun <0/1>"
desc "Sets whether or not the gun is draw in view. When set to 1 the gun"
desc2 "will draw and when set to 0 i wont."

syntax "^2cg_draw2D <0/1>"
desc "Sets whether or not the 2D components of the game are drawn. When set"
desc2 "to 1 the 2D components will be rendered."

syntax "^2cg_drawTimer <0/1>"
desc "Sets whether or not the round timer is drawn on the HUD."

syntax "^2cg_drawFPS <0/1>"
desc "Sets whether or not the FPS meter is drawn on the HUD."

syntax "^2cg_drawCrosshair <value>"
desc "Sets which crosshair you would like to use."

syntax "^2cg_drawCrosshairNames <0/1/2>"
desc "Sets whether or not players names are draw on the HUD when your crosshair"
desc "is over them. When set to 1 names will render at the bottom of the HUD"
desc "and when set to 2 they will render right below the crosshair."

syntax "^2cg_drawRadar <0/1/2>"
desc "Sets whether or not the radar is drawn on the hud and whether the automap"
desc "or radar takes precedence. When set to 1 the radar will always be up,"
desc "when set to 2 the automap will be up (providing you are in a RMG game)."

syntax "^2cg_drawTeamScores <0/1>"
desc "Sets whether or not the team scores are rendered on the HUD."

syntax "^2cg_crosshairSize <size>"
desc "Sets the size of the crosshair on screen."

syntax "^2cg_crosshairX <offset>"
desc "Sets the horizontal offset from the center of the screen where the crosshair"
desc "will be rendered."

syntax "^2cg_crosshairY <offset>"
desc "Sets the vertical offset from the center of the screen where the crosshair"
desc "will be rendered."

syntax "^2cg_crosshairRGBA <r>,<g>,<b>,<a>"
desc "Sets the color of the normal crosshair. Each component is a range from"
desc "0 to 1 with 0 being dark and 1 being light. The last component is the alpha"
desc "value if you want to make the crosshair transparent. For example, to make"
desc "a blue crosshair that is partially transparent set this cvar to '0,0,1,.5'."

syntax "^2cg_crosshairFriendRGBA <r>,<g>,<b>,<a>"
desc "Sets the color of the crosshair when over a friendly target. Each component"
desc "is a range from 0 to 1 with 0 being dark and 1 being light. The last"
desc "component is the alpha value if you want to make the crosshair transparent."
desc "For example, to make a blue crosshair that is partially transparent set this"
desc "cvar to '0,0,1,.5'."

syntax "^2cg_simpleItems <0/1>"
desc "Sets whether or not 2D icons should be drawn for items instead of their"
desc "normal 3D model representation. When set to 1 the icons will be drawn"
desc "instead of the models which can greatly increase FPS on some machines."

syntax "^2cg_lagometer <0/1>"
desc "Sets whether or not the network monitor (lagometer) is displayed on the HUD."

syntax "^2cg_centertime <seconds>"
desc "Sets the amount of time (in seconds) that centered text messages remain"
desc "on screen. To disable centered text messages entirely set this cvars"
desc "value to 0."

syntax "^2cg_centerY <value>"
desc "Sets the veritical location of the centered text messages."

Last modified: 08·12·2004 - 04:01

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http://fpp.pl, [email protected]

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