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Polecenia Punk Buster

Komendy Punk Buster dostępne po stronie serva

PB_SV_BadName [grace_seconds] [text_filter]
Adds a bad name to the list of bad names for the server to disallow in player names

PB_SV_BadNameDel [slot #]
Deletes a bad name from the list of bad names

Displays the current bad name list for the Game Server; see the section dealing with the Player Name Management Facility

PB_SV_Ban [name or slot #] [displayed_reason] | [optional_private_reason]
Removes a player from the game and permanently bans that player from the server based on the player's guid (based on the cdkey); the ban is logged and also written to the pbbans.dat file in the pb folder

Empties the current ban list stored in memory

PB_SV_BanList [optional_search_text]
Displays the list of bans in the console, including kicks with a temporary ban; if the [optional_search_text] parameter is specified, then only bans/kicks that include the search text are listed (useful for searching for a specific name / guid).

PB_SV_BanLoad [optional filename]
Loads a PB Ban List from the specified file; if no filename specified, then pbbans.dat is loaded

PB_SV_BindSrch [search_text] [player_name_or_slot#] {rcon limited}
Sends a request to all applicable connected players asking for a report on which local player key bindings contain the specified [search_text]; to specify a player name or substring (as opposed to slot #), surround the text with double-quote marks

PB_SV_CvarChanged [player_name_or_slot#] {rcon limited}
Sends a request to all applicable connected players asking for a list of which local player cvar values have been changed from their original default value; to specify a player name or substring (as opposed to slot #), surround the text with double-quote marks

PB_SV_CvarDel [Cvar slot #]
Deletes a Cvar range check from the list of checks stored in memory; the Cvar slot # can be obtained via the pb_sv_cvarlist command

Empties the list of Cvar range checks in memory

Displays the allowed cvar ranges for all cvars that the Game Server is monitoring; see the section dealing with the Variable Monitoring Facility

PB_SV_CvarSrch [search_text] [player_name_or_slot#] {rcon limited}
Sends a request to all applicable connected players asking for a list of which local player cvar values contain the specified [search_text]; to specify a player name or substring (as opposed to slot #), surround the text with double-quote marks

PB_SV_CvarUser [player_name_or_slot#] {rcon limited}
Sends a request to all applicable connected players asking for a list of which local player cvars were created by the user (as opposed to being part of the game itself); to specify a player name or substring (as opposed to slot #), surround the text with double-quote marks

PB_SV_CvarVal [Variable_Name] [player_name_or_slot#] {rcon limited}
Sends a request to all applicable connected players asking for the value of the specified variable (cvar); to specify a player name or substring (as opposed to slot #), surround the text with double-quote marks

Disables the PunkBuster Server Software - the disabling does not take effect until the game server is exited and restarted

Enables the PunkBuster Server Software

PB_SV_GetSs [player_name_or_slot#]
Sends a request to all applicable connected players asking for a screen shot to be captured and sent to the PB Server; to specify a player name or substring (as opposed to slot #), surround the text with double-quote marks

PB_SV_Kick [name or slot #] [minutes] [displayed_reason] | [optional_private_reason]
Removes a player from the game and won't let the player rejoin until specified [minutes] has passed or until the server is restarted, whichever comes first - kicks are not written to the pbbans.dat file but they are logged and will show up in the output from the pb_sv_banlist command

PB_SV_Load [File Name]
Loads the specified PunkBuster configuration file which can contain PunkBuster commands and/or setting changes

Displays a list of connected players and their current status

PB_SV_ReBan [slot #]
Rebans a player who has been mistakenly Unbanned with the pb_sv_unban command; use pb_sv_updbanfile to update the permanent ban file after using this command

PB_SV_UnBan [slot #]
Unbans a player from the ban list stored in memory; use pb_sv_updbanfile to update the permanent ban file after using this command

Forces the PB Server to attempt a PB software update even if no players are currently connected

PB_SV_UpdBanFile [optional filename]
Updates the specified ban file (pbbans.dat is used if none specified) with regard to recent unbans/rebans

Displays the currently running version of the PunkBuster Server software

Writes the current values of the PunkBuster Server settings to the local hard drive (creating or overwriting a file called pbsv.cfg) in such a way that they will be loaded automatically the next time the PunkBuster Server starts; server admins who wish to manage multiple config files for different situations will usually not use this command at all

PB_SV_AutoSs [0/1]
Set to 1 (default is 0) if you want the PB server to regularly retrieve screen shots from connected players

PB_SV_AutoSsFrom [Seconds]
Minimum number of seconds (default is 60) PB will wait before requesting a screen shot after the previous request from each player

PB_SV_AutoSsTo [Seconds]
Maximum number of seconds (default is 1200 = 20 minutes) PB will wait before requesting a screen shot after the previous request from each player

PB_SV_CQC [0/1]
CQC means Client Query Capability - setting this to 0 (default is 1) means that connected players cannot use PB to check the value of game server cvars (we recommend leaving this set to the default of 1 to promote goodwill); NOTE that PB doesn't let players see the value of any server-side cvars that include the text "password"

PB_SV_KickLen [Minutes]
The number of minutes (default is 2) a player will be kept from being able to rejoin after getting kicked by PunkBuster

PB_SV_LogAddr [Address / Internet Hostname]
Holds the address of the machine to which remote logging is sent (default is empty meaning the feature is not used)

PB_SV_LogCeiling [Number]
The highest serial number (default is 1000) that PunkBuster will use in numbering its log files before starting over at 1

PB_SV_LogNext [Number]
The next serial number that PB will use to name a PB log file; this setting is automatically maintained by PunkBuster and is incremented after each map change by the Game Server as PB opens a new log file

PB_SV_LogPort [Port #]
Holds the listen port of the machine to which remote logging is sent (default is 0 meaning the feature is not used)

PB_SV_LogPw [Password]
Holds the password required to send logging output to a listening remote logging machine

PB_SV_LogSync [0/1]
When set to 1 (default is 0), PB will name Game log files in accordance with PB log files using the same serial number system; Game log files will still be stored in the same location inside the game directory either way, but will have the same filename as the corresponding PB log file and both will be closed at the end of each map and a new log file will be opened

PB_SV_LogUser [Username]
Holds the username required to send logging output to a listening remote logging machine

PB_SV_MaxConDls [Number]
The maximum number (default is 3) of PB updates that PB will attempt to download at the same time

PB_SV_MaxDlRate [KB/sec]
The (roughly) maximum bandwidth (default is 1 KB/sec) requested per file for PB update downloads

PB_SV_MsgPrefix [New Prefix]
Holds the text that the PunkBuster Server displays in front of every output line displayed; the default is "^3PunkBuster Server" (note the ^3 means output in the color GOLD); If the game server is running in non-dedicated (listen) mode, all PunkBuster Server output goes to both the top of the playing screen and to the console by default; To prevent PunkBuster Server messages from being displayed on the playing screen, insert the text [skipnotify] before any desired message prefix text. For example, the command pb_sv_msgprefix [skipnotify]^3PunkBuster Server will cause all PunkBuster Server output to go only to the console and not to the playing screen.

PB_SV_Sleep [Period]
Holds the period of time (milliseconds) that the PunkBuster Server "sleeps" between processing cycles; lower numbers will cause PunkBuster to process more times each second which also may have the effect of marginally increasing the bandwidth used by PunkBuster

PB_SV_SsCeiling [Number]
The highest serial number (default is 100) that PB will use in numbering Screenshot (PNG) files obtained from players before starting over at the PB_SV_SsFloor value

PB_SV_SsCmd [Filename]
The name of the script file (default is "" empty which means "not used") that PB calls after each screen shot PNG image file is received; this can be used by admins to copy or otherwise process screenshot files that are obtained automatically during gameplay

PB_SV_SsDelay [Seconds]
When this is non-zero (default is 0), then each PB client will wait a random number of seconds up to the value of this setting after receiving the request before actually capturing a screen image for sending back to the server

PB_SV_SsFloor [Number]
The lowest serial number (default is 1) that PB will use in numbering Screenshot (PNG) files obtained from players

PB_SV_SsHeight [Pixels]
The requested height (default is 240 pixels) of images captured by PunkBuster Clients for sending to the PB Server

PB_SV_SsNext [Number]
The next serial number that PB will use to name a PNG screen shot image file

PB_SV_SsPath [Path]
If specified (default is "" empty), PB will write captured screen shot images obtained from connected players to this alternate location, this can be a network share or some other location where you would prefer to place screen shot images and the "helper" htm files that go with them

PB_SV_SsSRate [Number]
The sample rate (default is 1) used for capturing screen shots, specifies how many pixels get skipped in the processing of the image to keep file sizes down; if set to 2, then only every 2nd pixel is taken (in both horizontal and vertical directions); if set to 4, then only every 4th pixel is taken

PB_SV_SsWidth [Pixels]
The requested width (default is 320 pixels) of images captured by PunkBuster Clients for sending to the PB Server

PB_SV_SsXPct [Percentage]
The percentage across the screen (default is 50%) where the center of the requested screenshot should be captured from

PB_SV_SsYPct [Percentage]
The percentage down the screen (default is 50%) where the center of the requested screenshot should be captured from

In addition to the Variable Monitoring Facility described in the previous section, PunkBuster also includes several advanced tools that Admins can use when desired. Five such commands are PB_SV_BINDSRCH, PB_SV_CVARSRCH, PB_SV_CVARVAL, PB_SV_CVARUSER, and PB_SV_CVARCHANGED. The first three take two parameters: [text] [player] and the others take one: [player]. If the [player] parameter is not specified for any of these commands, then PB will direct the command at all currently connected players. There are 2 ways to specify specific players: by slot # or by name substrings. To get player slot numbers, use the PB_SV_PLIST command. Each player's slot # is in the first column of the resulting display. If you wish to specify name substrings, be sure to surround the search text with double quotes. For example, PB_SV_CVARVAL handicap "wolf" means to find the value of the handicap cvar for all players who have the text "wolf" in their playing name.

The PB_SV_BINDSRCH command searches through all of the player's key bindings looking for the specified [text] and reports back matching keys and the full binding attached to each matching key. This is useful for examining the key bindings of a player to see if that player is trying to get around the cvar checks by setting a bind to set a cvar value to an unacceptable value and then quickly set it back to acceptable after some other processing has occured. For example, use "PB_SV_BINDSRCH back" to get a list of all keys that have the text "back" in the key binding from your connected players.

The PB_SV_CVARSRCH command is similar to the BINDSRCH command described above. However, instead of searching key bindings, it searches through the values of all cvars defined in the player's system, including player-defined cvars. Since cvars can be used to execute commands by players, this type of search is useful to find out if a player has set up a cvar as an alias to execute in order to set other cvar values outside of acceptable ranges. When this command is issued, the full list of player cvar names that contain the search text is returned (the values of each cvar may be displayed/logged either manually with the PB_SV_CVARVAL command or automatically by setting the PB_SV_CVARWALK setting).

command can be used to check the exact value of any player cvar at any time. For example, use "PB_SV_CVARVAL cg_drawallweaps" to find the value of the cg_drawallweaps cvar for all connected players. Use "PB_SV_CVARVAL cg_drawallweaps 1" to find the value only from the player in slot #1.

command requests a list of cvars that are user-created.

command requests a list of cvars that are not currently set to their default value.

There are also a few advanced settings that can be used to automate routine logging of cvar information supplied by using the above-listed commands:

setting determines how and where player cvar information is displayed and/or logged to a file for later viewing. A busy server with several players can generate lots of cvar-related information within a relatively short period of time if the PB Admin decides to take advantage of some of the above-listed features. If the PB_SV_CVARLOGGING setting is left at the default value of 1, then all cvar-related information is treated just like other events and is displayed in the server console as well as logged to the current PunkBuster log file. To redirect cvar-related logging to a separate (var) file, set PB_SV_CVARLOGGING to 2. In this case, PunkBuster actually maintains two separate log files for each map, one with the .log extension (normal logs) and one with the .var extension (cvar logs). Both files for a given map will have the same filename based on the sequential log file number, only the file extensions are different (for example, 00000001.log and 00000001.var). Setting PB_SV_CVARLOGGING to 3 has the effect of logging cvar-related information in both manners described above for values of 1 and 2.

commands described above are designed to catch players who have figured out how to exploit the game using unpublished combinations of settings. If an Admin is suspicious of a certain player who seems to be able to do things that are not a normal part of the game, that player's cvars can be examined for any unusual combinations that may bring to light the source of an exploit. In some cases, Admins (or Leagues) may want to routinely and automatically log all such information for all players and then go back later to examine the logs rather than try to check players in real time while they are playing. To automate the sending of PB_SV_CVARUSER and PB_SV_CVARCHANGED commands to all players, use the PB_SV_CVARUSERPULSE and PB_SV_CVARCHANGEDPULSE settings. For example, set PB_SV_CVARUSERPULSE to 15 in order to have the PunkBuster Server automatically send a PB_SV_CVARUSER command to each player once every 15 minutes (staggered randomly). Both PULSE settings default to 99 which means disabled. Setting either or both to a number up to 98 activates the automatic feature.

Another advanced setting that is designed to be used in combination with the PULSE settings mentioned above is called the PB_SV_CVARWALK setting. This setting normally defaults to 0 which means disabled. Setting it to a non-zero number causes PunkBuster to automatically "walk" through all cvars returned in a list (such as from a PB_SV_CVARUSER command) and query the actual current value of each player cvar in the list.

Listed below is an example set of settings that would cause the PunkBuster Server to log all user-created and changed cvars along with their values to a separate log file with the .var file extension every 15 minutes (per player) during gameplay:

PB_SV_CvarLogging 2
PB_SV_CvarWalk 4
PB_SV_CvarUserPulse 15
PB_SV_CvarChangedPulse 15


Autor: [FPP]Gofer
Aktualizacja: 08·12·2004 - 04:01




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